How to Make a Legacy Video

How to make a Legacy Video by Family Tree Video

Recording a parent or grandparent sharing memories is a great way to ensure their stories (and your family history) will be enjoyed for generations. But making an heirloom quality Legacy Video involves more than hitting the ‘record’ button on a camera. So how do you make a Legacy Video?

As a Legacy Video producer, below are a few of my tips on how to make a Legacy Video…

How to Make a Legacy Video


While you can record your parent or grandparent sharing stories on a smart phone, you will quickly discover its limitations. Below is the equipment I recommend:.

  • Video

These days it’s easy to find a great video camera online. As you research which one suits your needs, be sure to read the reviews. Key information to look for is image and sound quality as well as how long the battery lasts (if an outlet isn’t available). Plan for your interview to run 1-3 hours.

  • Audio

While on camera microphones are getting better every day, they still leave much to be deserved. To avoid picking up sounds other than your parent or grandparent’s voice (ie the hum of an HVAC or a neighbor’s lawn mower), you may want to invest in a microphone. I use a lavelier microphone that clips to a collar.

  • Lighting

Clouds move, trees sway, the earth rotates. The key is to control the light so I recommend filming the interview in a room where natural light can be blocked with curtains or shades. You can either purchase professional lights or try working with your own lamps. Just allow time to make adjustments in case grandma looks a bit flat or night-stalkerish.

The Interview

People love to talk about themselves so prepare for the interview to run much longer than you expect. Below are a few things to think about before and during the interview:

  • The Setting

You may not notice the plant sprouting from grandpa’s head or your own reflection in the mirror until midway through the interview. Be aware of what is behind your subject before you hit the record button. Also, turn off all phones, reschedule the lawn service and consider sending the dog to the kennel.

  • Interviewee

Have your parent or grandparent sit on a comfortable but firm chair or sofa. If a cushion is too soft, you may find them slowly sinking out of the frame over the course of the interview.

  • Technique

Ask your parent or grandparent to pause before answering a question. This will prevent the two of you from talking over each other. It will also make editing much easier.

  • Interviewer

Keep control of the interview. Make a list of what you want to cover and don’t be afraid to gently move a parent or grandparent along. Otherwise you may find Dad spending 20 minutes on one story and you running out of time.

  • Questions

For questions to ask your parents or grandparents to learn more about their life story and your family history, visit my post: ’25 Legacy Interview Questions’.


You have hours of interview footage! Now what? This is where the real magic (and work) begins. For an heirloom quality legacy video, I estimate about 20 hours editing for every hour of footage – but you may choose to produce something much less involved.

  • Editing Software

Consumer editing software can be found online for free or for a nominal charge. While these have limitations they may be perfect for your needs. Again, read the reviews. I use Final Cut Pro, a professional editing software with lots of bells and whistles but one that has a steep learning curve.

  • What to Edit Out

As you review the footage you will quickly spot content that can be removed: stories that go off topic, long pauses, interruptions, throat clearing and more. You may even decide to remove your own voice (as I do) to make the movie even more personal.

  • What to Add In

Bring stories to life by weaving in family photos and other memorabilia. Add titles, chapters, music and more for a truly heirloom quality Legacy Video.


Once your movie is finished, select a special occasion for the big reveal! Upload your Legacy Video to a family website and give everyone a copy of the movie file on an heirloom quality flash-drive as a keepsake.

Family Tree Video

Give your parent or grandparent the gift of a lifetime by capturing their life story for your family to know!

Legacy Videos by Family Tree Video

Here at Family Tree Video we produce Legacy Videos, modern-day memoirs that weave a filmed interview together with family photos, documents, maps and other memorabilia. The result is a beautiful “moving portrait” capturing your loved one sharing their life story, family history and memories – a gift your family will treasure for generations to come.

To learn more about giving the gift of a Legacy Video, visit

Family Tree Video LLC
Legacy Video Production
Since 2008

Susan Saunders
(312) 402-6406

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“There are only two lasting bequests we can give our children.
One is roots, and the other, wings.” -H. S. Carter

Legacy Videos

Capturing Life Stories & Family History
for Future Generations

~ The Gift of a Lifetime ~

How to Make a Legacy Video
Family Tree Video
Video Biographies ~ Video Memoirs ~ Family History Videos
Family Documentaries ~ Anniversary Videos
Video Tributes ~ Heirloom Videos
Legacy Video Production
~ Legacy Videos ~
How to Make a Legacy Video

How to Make a Legacy Video

1 thought on “How to Make a Legacy Video”

  1. Thank you for bringing up the idea of having your parents or grandparents sit on a sturdy yet comfy chair or sofa for Legacy videos. I will absolutely share this with them to keep in mind, as my mother has expressed interest in checking one out. I appreciate you sharing!


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