As we age it’s only natural to think about what we will leave to our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. For some it will be a financial portfolio, for others a set of tools or the china our grandparents left us. Many, though, recognize the value of leaving a legacy that is more intangible – passing on life stories, family history and life lessons.
Family Stories
When stories aren’t passed from one generation to the next, they often disappear; as if whole lives never existed. And while names and dates can often be found in public records, personalities, quirks, and everyday achievements that make up the intimacy of family experience are often lost forever.
What do you know about your grandparents and great-grandparents lives? What stories have you passed on to your children? What will your grandchildren and great-grandchildren know?
Legacy Videos
Today, with advances in technology, leaving a legacy in a Legacy Video is possible.
A Legacy Video is a memoir on video that weaves a filmed interview covering your life story and family history, together with family photos, documents, maps and other memorabilia. Skillfully edited, this captivating “moving portrait” preserves priceless stories and information as well as your personality, vitality and voice, giving future generations a chance to know you.
Legacy Videos can focus on a single person or an entire branch of a family tree. Either way, the result is a modern-day heirloom families treasure for generations to come.
Leaving a Legacy
Leaving a legacy in a Legacy Video connects the past with the present and preserves the stories in a way that is as vivid and “alive” years from now, as they are today. Imagine if your grandparents and generations past had shared their stories in a Legacy Video. What a family heirloom that would be!
To learn more about capturing your life story, family history and memories in a Legacy Video, visit us at
Family Tree Video LLC
Legacy Video Production
Since 2008
Susan Saunders
(312) 402-6406
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Leaving a Legacy
“There are only two lasting bequests we can give our children.
One is roots, and the other, wings.” H. S. Carter
I appreciate you letting us know that a legacy video refers to a video memoir that includes a filmed interview with family photographs and other memorabilia that captures priceless stories and information. It’s our family reunion this December, and since the relatives staying overseas will finally be coming this year, we plan to capture their stories to commemorate the occasion. Ill be sure to keep this in mind.
Thanks, Clare. If I can be of any help, please don’t hesitate to reach out!