Have you ever thought about capturing your life story, family history and memories for your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren to know? One way for younger generations to know you is by sharing your stories in a Grandparent Video or Legacy Video.
Imagine if your grandparents had shared their stories in a video memoir! What a family heirloom that would be!
Below are a few reasons why a Grandparent Video or Legacy Video are the new favorite way in which to pass on life stories, family history and life lessons….
Grandparent Video
It’s Easy!
Often, when someone sits down to write experiences from their life, they discover it’s far more difficult than they expect. Writing the events of one’s life on paper tends to make them sound more like a history book than heart felt elocutions. Written memoirs can also take months, even years, to write.
With a Grandparent Video or Legacy Video, you simply share your stories in a filmed interview. Questions from a skilled interviewer will help you recall your stories more naturally, bringing them to life in a way the written word often struggle to do.
Appeals to Younger Generations
For those who can still remember a time before the internet … books, journals and letters were an important part of our lives. We relied heavily on the written word, augmented only by a few faded photos, to pass down our stories and family history. These days, younger generations are more screen oriented. Sharing your memories on video will give younger family members a more visually captivating way to know you and your story.
Keeps On Giving
While you may not be around to get to know your great, great-grandchildren, it doesn’t mean they can’t get to know you. But relying on your children and grandchildren to pass on your stories can be risky. What do you remember about your own grandparents? What do you know about your great-grandparents? Which stories have you passed on to your own children?
When we try to re-tell someone else’s story, we never quite capture the essence of our loved ones’ personality, who they were and the original way they told their stories. A Grandparent Video or Legacy Video can.
Easy To Duplicate
As a family grows, it becomes difficult to decide who gets the heirlooms. Who gets the box of old photos, the family bible or the grandparent’s china set? Grandparent Videos are easy to duplicate and share so everyone family member can have their own copy of the movie to pass down. Your stories are one of the best heirlooms you can pass on … and it doesn’t matter if you have twenty family members or two hundred!
To learn more about capturing your life story in a Grandparent Video or Legacy Video, visit us at FamilyTreeVideo.com.

~ Legacy Videos ~
Give your family the gift of a lifetime by capturing your life story in a Legacy Video!

Here at Family Tree Video, we produce Legacy Videos, modern-day memoirs that weave a filmed interview together with family photos, documents, maps and other memorabilia. The result is a beautiful “moving portrait” capturing you sharing your life story, family history and memories – a gift your family will treasure for generations to come.
Your stories are too important to leave to memory. Learn more about capturing them in a Legacy Video, by FamilyTreeVideo.com.
Family Tree Video LLC
Legacy Video Production
Since 2008
Susan Saunders
(312) 402-6406
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“There are only two lasting bequests we can give our children.
One is roots, and the other, wings.” H. S. Carter

~ Grandparent Video ~

Legacy Videos
Capturing Life Stories and Family History
for Future Generations
~ The Gift of a Lifetime ~

Family Tree Video
Video Biographies ~ Video Memoirs ~ Family History Videos
Family Documentaries ~ Anniversary Videos
Video Tributes ~ Life Story Videos
Grandparent Video
~ Legacy Videos ~