One of the best things about the internet is the power that it has to bring people together. Not only have email and social media allowed families to stay in touch, but they’ve also helped simplify the exchange of photos, videos and other memorabilia.
While photo services such as Flickr, Instagram and Picasa have made it easy for families to stay in touch, they also create a unique problem: there are too many different competing services! Storing all of the photos you want to keep in a single place can quickly become a bit of a headache. But we have a great way to let you create your own family photo albums by picking photos from all the different photo services and keeping them in a single place.
If you’re comfortable using the internet, you might have heard about Pinterest. Pinterest specializes in collecting photos from various places around the web and keeping them together in a single album, known as a ‘board’. After creating a ‘board’, you can start ‘pinning’ photos to it from any website on the internet – and you can create as many boards as you like.

This has a number of uses, but now that Pinterest has added a private board option, it has rapidly become a favorite option for collecting family memories. It allows you to quickly and easily keep track of all the family memorabilia that keep us close together, making lost photos a thing of the past. Pinterest has also added support for videos, so you’ll never miss your favorite wedding clips, your young nephew’s first steps, or your grandparent’s movies!
Getting started on Pinterest is easy: simply visit www.pinterest.com to sign up for an account, create a ‘secret board’, and start pinning your family photos and videos to it. It’s very easy to learn to do, and within no time, you’ll be building a family multimedia album that will last for year to come. There’s no limit to how many photos and videos they can contain, and you can invite anyone to your secret board you choose! Don’t let distance come between you and your family memories – they’re too precious to lose.

~ Legacy Videos ~
Give your parent or grandparent the gift of a lifetime by capturing their life story for your family to know!

Here at Family Tree Video we produce Legacy Videos, modern-day memoirs that weave a filmed interview with a parent or grandparent together with family photos, documents, maps and other memorabilia. The result is a beautiful “Moving Portrait” capturing your loved one as they recount their life story, family history and memories – a gift your family will treasure for generations to come.
To learn more about giving the gift of a Legacy Video, visit us at FamilyTreeVideo.com.
Family Tree Video LLC
Legacy Video Production
Since 2007
Susan Saunders
(312) 402-6406
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Legacy Videos
Capturing Life Stories and Family History
for Future Generations
~ The Gift of a Lifetime ~

Family Tree Video
Video Biographies ~ Video Memoirs ~ Family History Videos
Family Documentaries ~ Anniversary Videos
Video Tributes ~ Heirloom Videos
~Legacy Videos ~